Jo Coupe was born in 1975 in Stoke on Trent and studied at Newcastle University and Goldsmiths College.
She lives and works in Northumberland, UK, has work in public and private collections internationally.
From installation, objects, sound and performance Jo Coupe’s work explores liveness within the context of sculpture. The work is underpinned by a fascination with the interconnected processes of decay and the narrative and metaphorical potential that these represent.
Live sculptures and studio-based pieces emerge from exploration and research into new materials, processes and contexts, from an 11th century Castle to an aluminium smelter.
Together, these works seek to burrow under the surface, undermining what appears to be solid and stable and revealing invisible forces, unseen patterns and the fluid and shifting nature of all materials.
Her most recent project is a collaboration with a snow physicist, looking at how the crisp edges and symmetrical shapes of newly formed snow crystals evolve under changing conditions and the inherent challenges for the warm humans observing this.
After the Rain (2014-22)
Looped stereo audio track, handmade parabolic microphone dishes (umbrellas, lampshades, paint rollers, lapel microphones, duct tape)
Dimensions variable
From Hinterlands, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, 2022.
Photo: Rob Harris © 2022 BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art
Lagniappe (2021)
Archival tape, pins, colour lithographic illustrations by Ivy Massee from 1911 edition of British Fungi with a chapter on Lichens by George Massee
84 x 68 x 2.5 cm
From Hinterlands, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead, 2022.
Photo: Rob Harris © 2022 BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art